
Papo & Yo

Interactive Game Music

Papo & Yo

Papo & Yo represents a pivotal point in Brian D’Oliveira’s career.  Using all acoustic instruments recorded ‘live-off-the-floor’ was intentional, as Brian wanted the music to be honest and fragile, with all of the beautiful imperfections that come with live playing.


This project was very personal for Brian.  The similarities between the story Vander Caballero was telling of a troubled childhood in South America and Brian’s own story were remarkable.  From Latin America to Africa, India and Europe, the diversity of influences on the music in Papo & Yo is evident in the instruments, the rhythms, the sounds and the performances.  Although Brian played approximately 80% of the instruments, there are also performances by Orlando ‘VoVo’ Conceinçao on percussion, Kamal Sabri on Lead Sarangi and Elinor Frey on Baroque Cello.


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